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This module targets high school students across grade levels and seeks to build students’ abilities to understand rhetoric as a vehicle for engaging in civil discourse. Rather than focusing only on the rhetorical interactions between two people, this unit engages students with the idea that rhetoric is a persuasive act of communication within oneself. These lessons purposefully culminate with students learning that listening to oneself and being aware of how one listens to others is a vital part of the rhetorical situation and impacts one’s ability to engage in civil discourse.

Learning Outcomes

  • Distinguish between interpersonal and intrapersonal rhetoric
  • Explain the connection between emotional intelligence and rhetoric
  • Understand the ways that beliefs and values impact one’s internal rhetoric
  • Explain the term “kairos” and apply it to the use of rhetoric in everyday situations
  • Evaluate one’s ability to engage in fair‐​minded critical thinking
  • Implement active listening skills when engaging in communication with others
  • Engage in civil discourse with peers using intrapersonal and interpersonal rhetoric

Essential Questions

  • What is the purpose of rhetoric?
  • What’s the value of rhetoric for civil discourse?
  • How can rhetoric be a bridge that connects people with diverse viewpoints?


Each lesson in this unit is created to accommodate a block period schedule (90‐​minute classes). Due to this assumption, each lesson builds off the previous one, and lessons should be completed in the suggested order. Depending on your class schedule, this unit could take 2 to 4 weeks to complete.